Posts Tagged ‘2008 Presidential Election’

I Can’t Take It

September 4, 2008

I’m watching the RNC and John McCain right now because I really want to hear and see all sides and all opinions heading into the Presidential Elections this year.  So I’m watching as they scan the crowd and see this sign describing McCain.

“The Mavrick”

See, how am I supposed to trust that guy?  Honestly.  I don’t want to be stereotypical, I know that there is a core to the Republican set of values that has a real basis of support, but I can’t deny the plain fact that they also leverage appeal to the simple and uneducated to give their party more power.  Between that and “drill baby drill” this thing has looked like the damn WWE as much as anything.

That kinda scares me.


Barack Did It

August 29, 2008

Shout out to Barack Obama for accepting the Democratic Nomination last night.

This is a moment in history that most people didn’t think America was ready for.  Barack seized the moment and delivered eveything anyone could have possibly asked for.  He acknowledged the history, he addressed the issues, he set the prime moments of his agenda, he drew a stark difference between himself and McCain.  And yes, I will be watching the Republican convention next week to see what they have to say.  I fully expect to see more of this.

Fuck Fox News.


Man Up Monday: Superdelegates

June 2, 2008

It’s time.

By Tuesday, when Montana and South Dakota get the job done, the people will have spoken.  It is time for our elected and former leaders to jump off the fence and lead.  Even Puerto Rico already has their vote in, and they don’t even get to vote in November.

By all accounts, Barack Obama will be within about 30 votes of the new finish line by Tuesday night.  That means that about 20 percent of the remaining superdelegates have to go Obama’s way to clinch the win.  Of course, if you listen to Hillary, that isn’t the way you are supposed to win.

HIllary is winning if you fully count Michigan and Florida, don’t give Obama any of the uncommitted votes from Michigan, don’t count the caucuses (including the all important Iowa caucus), add the people who voted for American Idol, light some votive candles, and rewind the calendar back to January when she actually had a lead for a few days.  So take that!

So here is your time superdelegates.  Man up!  Hell, I won’t even hold you to Monday, you can have until Thursday to get it done.  Thanks.


Hillary and Obama Getting it On?

April 3, 2008

I know we dropped a lot of heat on you guys this morning, but you’ve got to watch this right now.

That is brilliant work. Props to whoever put this thing together. That look Obama gives her at the beginning is great.

I guess we should have seen it coming.


If you don’t recognize the source material, (that means you haven’t been one of US for long…) check it out here. And the response here.



Yooo, that’s perfect.  We need more Obama unnecessary censorship bleeps.  The way that cat says his own last name is nothing short of classic, “She bleeping O-bama”…  Maaayne, if ‘Bamer actually makes it black comedians are going to have a field day rocking the parodies.  Best thing I’ve seen all month…

– Lake

Super Tuesday

February 5, 2008

So Super Tuesday is finally here and by tomorrow morning (or 3am EST) we will know a little bit more about how things shake out. 


McCain should have the Republican nomination virtually locked up by tomorrow and Obama and Clinton will most likely…be in about the same place they are right now.  Republicans have a lot of “all or nothing” states where second place gets you as many delegates as Lake is going to get today…none.  Dems distribute delegates according to percentage in most places so it could still be a dead heat at the end of today.  Bill Richardson and John Edwardsare still waiting in the wings to be VP, so neither of them made any endorsement moves today.  Edwards called himself an agent for change, but he also knows that both Hillary and Barack may need a good old fashioned White Male to help sway the group of people who may break out into a cold sweat when the actually need to pull the trigger to vote for either a Black man or a woman for president.  Plus, at age 54, he sure would like to make another run for President at age 62 in 2016 after people get used to seeing him on the world stage for eight years.

Anyway, lets take a quick peek at what the candidates are doing today.


Barack is feeling like Superman this morning with his poll numbers up across the country.  I think he can really pull it off, he’s got music videos, Mrs. Terminatorcame out to support, even Oprah is using her mind control over white women to help Barack.


He’s looking a whole lot better than Rudy Giuliani did when he thought he came up with his “Super” Strategy.


Hillary is still feeling strong going in to today.  She is in NY, stayed in her own house last night, and voted this morning.  I wonder if she and Bill have discussed titles.  If she wins will he be the First Man?  The First Gentleman?  Hmmmm.


I hope the Democrats figure it out soon.  Any moment now the GOP political engine is going to start to pick up steam and try to drive the stake in the Dems heart all on the back of this guy:


Arrrrrgh, the looks like a damn pirate.  Now see, a look like that absolutely killed Howard Dean last time.  Yaaaaaaahhh!

You know who is really going to have the time of his life tonight?


Tim Russert.  I mean this guy absolutely loves it.  He breaks out the whiteboard, he starts counting delegates. This is his prep run for November.  Hopefully they’ve upgraded his technology a bit for 2008.  I’d hate to see him break out the dry erase markers again.

If you are in one of the 24 states that are in play today, go vote!

Us Versus Them officially endorses Barack Obama in 2008.  I think he really is something different for America.  It would send a great message to the world and I think his moral compass is pointing in the right direction.


The Mentality of the Masses

February 3, 2008

With the Superbowl going down in just a few hours, and Super Tuesday just 72 hours away, we have a unique opportunity to look at the mentality of the American people. Here’s the basic story, when it comes to a competitive event, Us Versus Them if you will, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are people who will decide on, and stick with, who they want to win.  Then there are people who just want to pick the eventual winner…just so they can be right about their choice. Let’s look at sports first.


So this weekend we’ve got the Patriots v. the Giants. So here’s how the camps break down. There are the die hard fans. You know, the people who either grew up in the NY or Boston. They’ve been fans all their lives. The dudes who have Pats gear with that terrible minuteman in the three point stance. These are dyed in the wool fans, they will support their team no matter how bad the odds are. You know, the Notre Dame fan who thinks they have a chance every single weekend, the Green Bay fan that won’t watch tomorrow because the Golden Boy, Brett Favre threw the season away in overtime, the Mets fan that had their playoff dreams dashed as they watched one of the worst implosions in baseball history last September.  Or this guy, I’m thinking he would root for the Pats even if they were 0-18 (impossible I know) instead of 18-0.

Don’t get me wrong I know the pain well, every March I struggle with tossing the Blue Devils out in the round of 16 or 8 where they should go out of the tourney, or picking them to go all the way. Is there anything potentially worse than not picking your team to go all the way and seeing them win? I mean what kind of fan would you be if you didn’t have faith? So in sports it is cool, what is the big deal, right? But when you apply this to politics, that is when it gets dangerous.


No one knows better than Rudy Guiliani. I mean this cat forgot the number one rule of the masses. People think what they are told to think. Rudy G tried to get fancy and pretend like Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and South Carolina didn’t matter. Wrong…wrong. By time they got to Florida, Rudy was already a loser. Once they said he was losing in the late polling he was really in trouble. Here’s where it comes in…even the people who believed Rudy G was the right candidate wanted to vote for the winner. Who wants to be on the losing team? When you go the casino, you aren’t rewarded for picking what you believe, you win for picking the winner.

So who knows who the winner is ahead of time?  That’s the problem, the media, their polls, the stories that are written, the soundbytes that are edited for youtube proliferation; and that is the stuff that gets to people who actually care.  I bet if I walked into a Michigan or Florida mall and asked ten random people why the Democratic votes didn’t count in the primary, I’d be lucky to find one.  I’m still pissed about that by the way.  Look, I wanted to know, I sought out the answers and it still took me a few days to sort it out.  I bet if you asked people throughout the nation who has more delegates in the race for the Democratic nomination, most people would say Hillary because she “won” Michigan and Florida.


Yeah, Brock got as many delegates as Hillary did in those two states, which is only one less than Rudy Giuliani got, and I didn’t have to spend  $60 Million to get there.

So tonight, go with your gut.  I’m pulling for the Patriots because I want to see history, I want to see if the ’72 Dolphins invite Brady and the boys to their champagne toasts.  But if the Falcons were in the big game, you best believe that all better judgment would be gone and I’d be pulling from the home town boys.  As far as the election is concerned, pull for who you believe in, win or lose.  You’ll feel better in the morning.


By they way…it’s 2:00…they just started the Fox Pregame.  Kickoff is over four hours from now, is there seriously that much to say?  We’ll be talking about Tom Brady’s neighbors cat before all this is said and done.

Is Hillary Gonna Get Up With D ‘n Dem?

January 31, 2008

That begs the question….D Who?

Deez Nuts! Damn I haven’t done that since ’96 and I had probably held on too long then. Check this out though:


Now you know that’s not right. Why does she have to be a nutcracker? And with her legs no less. I know Bill doesn’t want to be caught in the vice grip.