Kyla Ebbert Part 2: Dough Before Clothes


UPDATE: We found them.  Click HERE for our post with Kyla’s Playboy Photos. 

Us Versus Them covered Kyla Ebbert being kicked off of Southwest Airlines for dressing too suggestively months ago, but now she’s done it again. Miss Ebbert is stretching out her fifteen minutes of fame, and apparently also her legs as she has decided to pose nude for Playboy.

We have the Us Versus Them interns working feverishly to get you all what you want. Until then we will hold you over with these.


There’s our party girl throwing up the Shocker. So now we know she keeps it classy.


You know by now that she is the Orange one right? Apparently she is on the way to a Nassatal Halloween party with her two girls. Seriously, why is she carrying a purse, she’s not planning on leaving the house is she? She really would have gotten kicked off the plane for this outfit.

Come back later, we’ll find and post the pics. Click on the main page, or scroll down. We’ve got plenty of ladies to hold you over. Until then, the question on everyone’s mind is: Will she wear the green sweater?


Yikes, the Playboy retouchers are going to have their work cut out for them.

Inquiring minds want to know.


===================Bullshit Half Update=======

My Intern, someone we like to call “The Headless Chick(en)” just gave me this.


Sure, it’s just a comparison pic with the old babe on the left and the lingerie babe on the right, but I do appreciate the enhanced J work and that ultra skrong stomach piece. I know, I know, I need to fire my intern for not delivering the real actual Playboy pics, I’m thinking on it.

Here’s a link to the rest of the promotional lingerie pics. Think she hit the gym for this one? Someone holler at me when the sex tape comes out… Predictable, but I do enjoy it. We’ll get after those real deal Holyfiield joints soon enough. I mean, the lingerie joints are fine, but everyone knows that Rule No. 2 at UvT is and always has been, “skin it to win it.” More later…

– Lake

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4 Responses to “Kyla Ebbert Part 2: Dough Before Clothes”

  1. Southwest Airlines policy on travel attire: “Clothes before hoes” « Us Versus Them Says:

    […] Southwest Airlines policy on travel attire: “Clothes before hoes” UPDATE: Kyla decided to pose nude in Playboy.  Click HERE for our update STORY!  […]

  2. Top Posts « Says:

    […] Kyla Ebbert Part 2: Dough Before Clothes Us Versus Them covered Kyla Ebb […]

  3. UnCommon Sense » Blog Archive » She’s Baaaccckkk! Kyla Ebbert - Spreading Those Legs Like It’s Her Job…Oh Wait! Says:

    […] found a great site today, Us Versus Them, where I found this post about our friend Kyla Ebbert. I had heard about her recent Playboy deal a while back & […]

  4. Panties Says:

    Very hot girl, cute! I’d love to see her naked

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