Russell Simmons is a genius


Not because of his hip hop media empire or Phat Farm or Baby Phat or even for shows like Run’s House. Oh no, he’s a genius because he stays with a bad chick.


(Are you serious? My word)

Not only that, but the chick he stays with ends up essentially being the same babe and ageless. He just got Kimora 2.0 and it’s lovely.


Wowzers.. No need to call upstairs for a review on this one. Believe you me.. IT’S GOOD!

Damn, I know Rus got the money and the power, but this babe? Jeez. She’s gotta be hard to pull. I guess all that crazy voodoo errr yoga, hippie lettuce and wild séances work for something.


(Insert wacked out, stock far east music)


Dammit. Are you f*^king serious? I think Hammer said it best, “that’s why we pray.”


Hey, whatever works, sun.

Go head Rus… Let em hate. I happen to love it. You truly are the best cat out there.

– Lake

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One Response to “Russell Simmons is a genius”

  1. DivineLavender Says:

    I won’t hate, that is his way. Regardless, anyone that comes after Kimora is just seconds and will never be KLS. Anyone will get seconds with both of them, it is what it is. Kimora is part of the Trinity to me.

    Whoes do ya’ thang!

    The same way Kimora aint setting around.

    GIVE US, F R E E.

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